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Computer Vision Grundlagenpraktikum and Exercise WS 2014/15
Source code for the exercise for Computer Vision 2 course at TU Dresden in summer semester 2015
"Digital Human Anatomy based on Real Data" is an analysis of a research topic as part of my studies at TU Dresden.
My personal dotfiles for Posix operating systems
My personal dotfiles for Posix operating systems
My diploma thesis at TU Dresden – https://franzi.pages.square-src.de/ellipsoid-trajectory-vis
Source code for lecture "Functional programming and type theory" in summer semester 2015 at TU Dresden - http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/teaching/ss2015/FPT/
This tool creates a map from multiple images of an outdoor scene using a structure from motion algorithm.
Implementation of a mixture between TRWS and Diffusion algorithm for energy minimization problems.
Latex reports for Photogrammetry course 2014/15